The company

LXinstruments GmbH


The LXinstruments group of companies includes 3 companies for different test areas:

  • LXinstruments:
    Classic measurement and test solutions for industry

  • bsw TestSystems & Consulting:
    High-frequency systems for research & developmentg

  • EKTechnologies:
    Special measurement technology and test systems for electrochemical processes mainly for research & universities

High-frequency solutions with bsw TestSystems & Consulting

Measurement technology solutions especially for university research and for the semiconductor, electronics and telecommunications industries.

bsw TestSystems & Consulting deals with high-frequency tests and DC/CV parameters. Here we develop complex setups for universities and research institutes.

Electrochemical solutions with EKTechnologies

Measurement and test solutions for renewable energies such as fuel cells, water electrolysis, corrosion, etc.

Our specialists for test systems for electrochemical processes. These test setups are particularly relevant for research & development and increasingly also in industry.

Where do we come from?

2023 Takeover EKTechnologies

EKTechnologies opens the door to electrochemical test applications in the field of renewable energies.

2021 Move to the new office building

The construction of our new building starts in the middle of the pandemic. In line with the company values it is designed to be consistently sustainable & ecological. The move take place in April 2021.

2019 Foundation of LXinstruments (Schweiz) AG

Foundation of LXinstruments (Schweiz) AG to manage the growing demand from Switzerland in a “genuinely Swiss” way.

2014 Take over Stantronic Instruments

LXinstruments takes over the component trading company Stantronic Instruments and creates the prerequisites for the trading business.

2009 Subsidiary bsw TestSystems & Consulting

bsw TestSystems & Consulting and its Dutch subsidiary are added. The company in the Netherlands still exists.

2006 Foundation of LXinstruments...

... originally as a solution provider for classic measurement technology solutions based on the open industry standard LXI (Lan Extensions for Instrumentation).

We are on fire for test systems.

From research to manufacturing companies we actually offer solutions for all industries and performance capabilities.
Due to the increasing importance of renewable energies we also have made our way into electrochemical test systems.


Contact us!