Electrical safety

Measurement methods for electrical safety

The measurement methods prescribed by standards such as EN 60335, EN 61010, EN 60601, EN 60598, EN 60204, EN 50163 include, depending on the standard, testing the:

  • Dielectric strength (AC/DC withstand)
  • Insulation resistance (IR)
  • Earth conductor connection (GC / GB)
  • Leakage currents (LC)

The measurement conditions to be applied, such as the level and type of voltage or current, are described in detail in the respective standards.

Ground Continuity Test

Testing the protective conductor is essential for assemblies, devices and systems of protection class I.

A check is made to ensure that the protective earth conductor (PE) is continuously connected to all accessible metallic housing parts. The test is carried out at currents of 1 A - 2 A.

Ground Bond Test

The ground bond test places higher demands on the protective conductor test. The test current is a multiple of the operating current in order to be able to determine the dwell time until critical heating.

Such tests are usually carried out before series production during type testing. - However, the ground bond test also provides more accurate results when determining the earth resistance and is therefore often preferred to the ground continuity test.


The hipot test (high potential test) or dielectric withstand test, is used to determine the insulation and dielectric strength. It is carried out on modules, devices and systems of protection class I + II.

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Electrical safety hipot test

Insulation strength and insulation resistance test

The measurement to determine the insulation strength or the insulation resistance is carried out with DC high voltage between all current-carrying lines necessary for the operation of the product or the system. The limit values relevant for the test are defined by the standard applicable to the product.

Leakage current and discharge current tests

Leakage current and discharge current depend on the insulation of the device.

The measurement simulates various fault situations that could occur during operation.

The test determines whether the measured current is within the permissible limits and poses no danger to the user in case of a fault.

Multifunctional safety tests

Manufacturers of electrical and electronic products are legally obliged to carry out an electrical safety test before the products are sold. This final test takes place at the end of the manufacturing process and is therefore also referred to as an EOL test (end-of-line test). Here is an example of the multifunction tester from the  TOS9300 from Kikusui.

This guarantees the user that there is no potential danger when using the device. With the so-called multifunctional test devices, all necessary test tasks can be carried out with only one test setup. The test procedures can be automated via the associated software. The results can be documented and are reproducible at any time. Multifunctional test devices are ideally suited for installation in test enclosures.


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