Functional test

Temperature & climate

Whether it's fail-safety in changing temperatures or life cycle tests using stress screenings – there's no getting round it.

Temperature and climate tests are essential in order to recognise component reactions to changing environmental conditions such as temperature or stress at an early stage.

If components are already firmly integrated into systems, failures cost many times more time and money and also harbour a high risk of consequential damage.

Run-In- / burn-In-Test

The aim is to minimise early failures of assemblies. The test specimens can be operated over a defined period of time in the specified temperature range. The burn-in test typically involves working at a higher temperature than the specification in order to accelerate the ageing of the components. The test is carried out with many test specimens in the climate chamber at the same time in order to increase the test throughput. Times for a temperature cycle range from hours to days.



HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screen) / HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) tests are not normally performed during production, but are carried out during development. The assemblies are pre-damaged and can no longer be marketed after testing. In some cases, random tests are carried out during production to ensure ongoing quality. Here too, the assemblies tested in HASS / HALT can normally no longer be marketed.

Functional test temperature and climate climate chamber


We are experts in temperature & climate testing: Talk to us.

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