Interesting facts and questions about hipot tester, HV test and protective conductor test
The operation and use of electrical and electronic devices and systems must always be safe for the user. The greatest danger for the user when handling these devices is electric shock.
For this reason, there are extensive safety regulations that exclude these risks by means of defined tests. These safety requirements are regulated in Germany by VDE, (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies), in the VDE standards (DIN-VDE0100-600) and internationally in the EN standards e.g. EN50191. Special testing devices such as hipot testers and other high-voltage testing devices check compliance with the defined safety regulations.
Manufacturers are obliged to comply with the extensive guidelines, standards and regulations. This is ensured by electrical safety tests of various types such as high-voltage testing or HV testing, protective conductor testing or leakage current analyses. Here we have described all tests in detail.
Whether you are looking for high-voltage, protective conductors or leakage current testers - you will find them here. Our flagship products are our freely expandable test hoods with and without integrated safety testers. We also have ergonomic, automatically operated test cells as a brand new addition to our range. Building entire systems is of course easy for us as a system integrator.